One might say, the Germans are very fussy, but this is our recipe for success.
Not only the information given by the program to GPWA is incorrect.
Go to the sign-up page:
To make the contract valid, you must click the checkbox for "
I have read and agree with the terms and conditions agreement."
Under the checkbox in red is standing:"
Click here to read the terms and condition agreement"
The text is linked with ...
... a loop to the sign-up page.
Not linked with terms, but this is very important, because it's possible that because of human error two versions of terms exist, and in this case only the linked terms under the text "
Click here to read the terms and condition agreement" are valid. But there are no terms visible to accept with the link.
A general note: Sorry, but in the last time I have the feeling, that some new sponsors believe, that as faster they can enter the stage here on GPWA as better. This is no misbelief as long the websites are not under construction and the transmitted data to GPWA about the program are correct. There is a lot of money in the game, and a double-check is free of charge for both sides.
Here in Germany it's unthinkable, that a company goes online with such essential errors on the website or that they make advertising or a sponsorship with incorrect transmitted information about the company or the product like in this case the negative carryover.
We have here the "
Central office for the prevention of unfair competition", an inter-branch and independent institution, that have an eye on it and takes action if necessary.