Oh, I forgot...
Good night (for me) to all, midnight here!
Ehr... my wife is very happy that I'm still on my Mac...
Keep me updated!
Kicks is ass...![]()
Oh, I forgot...
Good night (for me) to all, midnight here!
Ehr... my wife is very happy that I'm still on my Mac...
Keep me updated!
Kicks is ass...![]()
Last reply, promised (to my wife...)
Maybe manually, maybe not.
This kind of people (?) is very skilled.
If he discovered the way to "manually inject" some weird script, he was also able to write another completely automated script to "spoof" all "less secure" (bugged) servers with only a click. And the fact that all (I don't know if 100% of them) hacked sites are hosted on a Debian server make me to think in this direction (automated script).
...ok... really Good Night!![]()
I have no shame stating that I am sitting here with (happy) tears in my eyes...
Either there is a mess up on the hacker's site, or, we managed to force him to take it offline.
Now, I need his details to report him to Costa Rica Authorities.
Thank you!
Thank you!
At least we know what to get you for Christmas.....LOLI'd hate to have to pick up soap bars in Costa Rica prison.
/oops end derail
Lot's of good research on this, I will study the last few posts later I have an errand to run.
By the way, I posted a comment on AVG's site a few hours ago.
antihacker (4 September 2014)
A ticket to Costa Rica?? LOL Or a shower? Or, bar of soap.
I'd go for the ticket, to get Steve. Cause, even though it seems he pulled the plug, he still can start over. He has been reported before, and came back. We must take out the boomerang effect.
Great going on the AVG site. Thank you. Awesomely said. Just went down there, I wonder what happened with my comment there.. At least my lovely tags are still there. For all to see: https://www.avgthreatlabs.com/website...edcasinos.com/
Bottom line is this and I can't stress this enough: He should not return. It should be over for the hacker..
Him pulling the hacked sites is not enough. It might just be a move to let us think he's gone. He deserves to be prosecuted. There is still proof enough. Especially, if the aff programs open up and show that he did act out of self gain. 3 - 6 years collecting soap bars for his new girlfriends.
I am beginning to start to feel a lot more positive now. Finally.
Actually, I am proud. It feels AWESOME to know, that we managed to save all of those people who were hacked, EVEN if they will never know it was us who helped them.
A big thank you for all of you!!!
Thank you!
-Shay- (4 September 2014)
May I respectfully remind all the affiliate programs that their brands (banners and working links) are STILL present on the hacker's sites?
It should be very clear that he may have pulled the plug on his hacking, there should be no delay in banning him. Although I know some have banned him(of which no proof has been provided till now), the demand of removing the banners and links is what should follow. (Or, should have been done already) Up until this moment, All banners and links are still active. That should stop. Steve the hacker should be forced to take down ALL your banners and links ASAP! Or, I'll get the idea no one got banned.
Adding to that, I'd like to see proof of him being banned. Saying is one thing. Doing is another. Proof is the cherry on top. And, it's the cherry we're waiting for. (All banners taken down would be a good sign to start)
His site(s) should have no (reputable) banners left. Making it easy for us to ban / rogue those programs that refuse to do so.
I know, a bit of patience. But, this case does not need patience anymore, it needs firm actions. It will also be a good warning to those that think they can get away with stupid things.
Demand your banners and links to be taken down ASAP.
That's the only way folks. Most of you have it in your TOS. Please abide by those rules. Contact the hacker and demand your properties to be taken off his sites immediately. It is clear what he has done. There is NO need to 'forgive' him simply because of the fact that he has taken down the hacked sites.
Mind you, there are still some programs that haven't even responded, let alone taken action.
Any program refusing to ban him / demand to have their banners and links to be taken down is in my eyes totally unacceptable and, they should not only be rogued / banned, they should also be reported to the authorities.
So, please have him remove all. I want to see it before I believe it.
No need to wait. Take him out. There is NO other way in my opinion.
Don't you think all of us deserve to see it? I think so.
Thank you in advance. I'm looking forward to it.
Perhaps then hen I can get back to my own work again.
Thank you!
Bad news: Hacker has his sites all up again.
Time to call Costa Rica Law Enforcement. Or The FBI For all I care. Anyone who will listen, and is interested in prosecuting the living hell out of all that participate in this crime. Think I won't? Think again!
I need more info on this person. Anyone?
Last edited by antihacker; 5 September 2014 at 3:23 pm.
Thank you!
This is what is on the hackers site per country:
slots of fortune
planet 7 casino
grand parker casino
ruby royal
golden cherry
loco panda
City club
Mega casino
William hill
Spin palace
Cosmik casino
Casino midas
Europa casino
Euro king
City club
william hill
spin palace
city club
euro king
Euro king
william hill
deuce club
europa casino
spin palace
william hill
mega casino
All redirecting to Europa Casino
casino midas
euro king
And, I can go on, and on, and on.
This person has not been banned. Period.
A firm warning. I AM sending this list, plus proof, addresses, phone number and everything I have to the authorities .. A bit of patience... Yeah right. - I might not have the details of the hacker, I DO have all details from the above casinos. And will hand them over, with my case.
Thanks to the hacker, the proof is BACK UP! Thanks steve. I was already afraid that I could not proof it, since it looked like it was taken down.
I am dialing Costa rica law enforcement for you btw. And, if you are not there, I will find out where you at. If I won't no sweat pal, Law enforcement will FORCE the affiliate programs to hand over your sleazy details.
I have no patience anymore. Nor do I care about those who condone it.
I've just been advised (by a lawyer) to report all affiliate programs with the casinos above in the jurisdictions they operate in. It will take me a bit of effort, but, it will be worth it. He states, since it will be an official criminal report, law enforcement will respond and investigate. This has now begun.
Attention: During investigations, it could be possible that the organizations WILL BE SHUT DOWN. Enjoy that!
If no one is banning him then:
Talk to law enforcement.
Have a nice day.
Last edited by antihacker; 5 September 2014 at 3:32 pm.
Thank you!
I am beginning to think people start to 'dislike' what I'm doing.
Really depressing that is.
Thank you!
have you tried to contact his restristar/hosting company?
IP: - Poland
Roulette Zeitung (6 September 2014)
No surprise. And I can tell you, why!
You lost the control about the things and control over your emotions. You only see black and nothing more. White no longer exist for you.
The casinos for you are no longer only unwilling assistant. Now all of them who don't talk with you or will double check the situation, are not fast enough, are perpetrators. The red line crossing for me is the fact, that you are threatening innocent people of this industry, and I don't like that. In Germany acting like this is a also a crime.
My country have a lot of experience with kin liability because of our history, and what you are doing now, is exactly kin liability.
I am sorry, but I explicitly distance myself from this case, because your actions in Miss Sims area don't match with my understanding of real investigations, ethic, seriousness and the power of evidences. Threatening innocent people for me is unacceptable.
Source: https://www.wmcash24.com/forum/urgent-pl...tml#post766221Originally Posted by Antihacker
You are attacking and threatening innocent people AFTER the casino was removed from the list! This is a red line for me!
Everyone is free to read the whole story over the link.
Consolidation into a lump sum is very dangerous, and I think it will be only fair, if you continue to threaten innocent people like Miss Sims, people who will never work deliberately with criminals, you write under your real name in the future under the motto: Fair dos! Innocent people perhaps want to take legal actions against you, and perhaps they are right!
I have not the time to read all posts in this forum, perhaps only 10%, but ...
I gave you the suggestion to ask the programs in their areas for help. I didn't gave you the suggestion to threaten or attack honest people of the industry.
No, for sure not!
This very important thread changed into kin liability.
How awful!
I am no longer a part of this, because for me sometimes still the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.
Reporting the domain to the Registrar is likely not going to do much of anything.
If he is using fraudulent contact information, they may take action, or if you have a court judgement with evidence of fraudulent use of the domain but I doubt you will get that on the domain itself.
You see the domain itself is sitting there serving web pages to visitors and doing what a domain is supposed to do.
In reality, the domain owner could claim they were not involved in the hacking, that they were an innocent victim and the burden of proof would be on you to prove otherwise.
(I have a pretty good understanding of ICANN policy concerning domain names and have read and research their policies many times over the years.)
The web host can also use this same theory to "overlook" most of the reports, however at some point if they took the time to investigate thoroughly enough, they could likely see and understand what he is doing to generate traffic is wrong, but depending on their contract whether they take action is iffy at best. (losing a host is temporary regardless)
Treating affiliate programs or their representatives badly because you did not get instant gratification in the exact manner you wanted will get you absolutely NOWHERE!
Trying to get various government agencies to go after the affiliate programs and their properties does absolutely ZERO to fix the problem or stop the hacker and completely DAMAGES the industry you claim to altruistically say you are trying to help.
While I agree that affiliate programs should NOT pay for traffic and revenue generated by this type of hacking and traffic redirection, I also would understand why affiliate programs would consider not paying an affiliate that convinces government agencies to go after their associated properties.
Providing the affiliate programs calm and careful information, and evidence against the scumbag that is doing this, and enlisting the help of other affiliates to help the programs understand why accepting this kind of traffic is a bad thing for the industry will go a lot further than treating the programs bad will.
The affiliate programs are NOT the enemy, the hacker is. Go after the scumbag hacker, with the affiliate programs help instead of alienating them.
dfiocch (6 September 2014)
Thank you.
If you'd know just how much time and effort I've put in to also protect your work.. No, not to be seen is it?
I did not attack anyone. Read the thread you link to. I think it is respectful enough.
PS: It was you who put them on the list. Not me.
Anyways, I know the story with you.. And so do you.
Thank you!
I am out of here.
I am now retreating.
Thank you.
Enjoy having this hacker around.
And, Leopold. You know your story. I do too.
Shame on you.
Thank you!