888 Affiliates (UFFILIATES) is stealing my money - Be careful!
First of all, I have been as an affiliate of luckyacepoker for many years via platiniumaffiliates, i had an account manager, and i could discuss with them at anytime %, promotions etc. I have never had any problems with them. I have generated over the years six figures of net profit to its poker site.
This year 888 affiliates took the control (its website is uffiliates.com) so i have been working for them for 2 months now, first month i generated a comission of 9000$
In Februrary i should have get over 10000$, but three days ago they modified all the data (everysingle day`s comission has been modified) and now they say is not even 4000$.
I have the handhistory and account information of all my players (as they are part of a pokerschool I have), also the information from released bonuses (amount and date)
I am simply getting robbed here, maybe they think that as regulation is arriving to Spain, some of my players wont play anymore and they have the right to steel my money!
First i write them hoping it is a database error, I ask them to check the back up files, because any company have them (even the smallest ones). I get no answer for this and they resend me the MODIFIED data in his site saying bonuses of my players have slashed my comission (they must think I am stupid)
Be very careful with these guys as they dont hesitate to modify all your data and steal your money.
Also I advise to anypoker player or bettors to withdraw the money from this site, as obviously it is a safe place anymore.
I have been trying to get a decent chat bya phone, msn or skype with them but it is impossible i just get an email from time to time, once they took 3 days to reply.
Their support via skype is dreadful, they dont have any info, they can just resend the stuff to other departments who anwser via e-mail.
If u want to cantact me my Skype is alberttinhog
PD_ Btw in this months comission i am getting robbed more than 300$ from day 1 so I guess its their strategy with their spanish affiliates as they think we are not useful/valuable anymore.