Originally Posted by
To: BillyBoy,
I can assure you I知 not employed by Star Partner and just really don稚 think they are that bad. Then again, it痴 up to you to make your own decision with regards to whether or not to work with them.
Talking about the 4 months stats, I wasn't discovering a wheel here. You can go to the star partner life chat and ask them about the stats. I知 sure they値l be able to assist you.
As for my sites, here is one - onlinecasinosblog.com . I know it might not be as awesome as yours, but we are currently restructuring the rest. As soon as they are up and running again, I値l PM them to you.
P.S. as for the 田ode? I have no idea what you are talking about (obviously not as bright as you are) but I知 using my IPhone to comment here, maybe this is why the threads look the way they look.