I heard it first time in Columbo episode "Swan Song" in the 1970s with Johnny Cash as charming villain.Until today after so many years it comes back from time to time in my ear.
This is the original [earworm] scene from the episode:
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"I am happy to say that I am back at Crazy Rewards!"
That sounds wonderful. I have to admit, that your brands are really very good designed on the contrary to some others. The first impression counts.
If your company treats the webmasters fair, with sustainability, then you have a great future.
Then you can leave your company name and the brand names as they are and do not need to go temerariously steps like others have to do in the future, changing the company name e.g. into "Assassination Partners" and the brand name into e.g. "Honey Trap Casino" to mobilize the last reserves for catching players.
Although, with some spunkiness such names would be worth a try.
Last edited by Roulette Zeitung; 11 January 2017 at 7:19 am.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Roulette Zeitung For This Useful Post:
Yes, we have some good solid brands which target the Scandic market. We have been working for over 6 years now and we hope to stay in this business for a long time.
The Following User Says Thank You to Crazyrewards-Support For This Useful Post:
"Yes, we have some good solid brands which target the Scandic market."
That's true. As more I look at the brands as more I wish to be a Viking.
I promise, after plundering and pillaging my neighbors farmstead, abducting his wife, teaching him my law which is the law of the rough sea, the law of the Viking's empire, where the most powerful squash or devour the weakest elements, after taking a warm shower at the end to cool my wounds, after all this things I will switch on my 14 years old computer and play Viking Slots ...
... if I would be a Viking warrior.
Unfortunately, I am only an old German, drawn by life, living in the last corner of the wasteland and earn my living with deposit-refund by collecting returnable bottles.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Roulette Zeitung For This Useful Post:
An undercover conference watcher told me, that you - on the contrary to others - did not need to hire private security guards to protect the booth from protesters.
You know, the people from Scandinavia - your major target webmaster group - are anything but lightweights. Moreover: They are very friendly and really relaxed and open for everything. And if I say, everything, I mean everything.
So Maria, now enjoy the stay here for the rest of February. It's not self-evident for everyone to enjoy anything. Some should really take the things with more humor. Not you. You are the finest and classic example for a contagious smile machine.
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Crazy Rewards: Last Activity: 13 Mar 2017
This is really in the meantime a boring area here.
What can we do against this?
You know the answer.
A funny cat video!
Oh no, not again.
This time something different.
A really crazy viking video:
You know, that's a beautiful picture you've got there. It's already making me feel like it's a lot like Christmas now every time I see those snow flakes falling down and around that Christmas tree.