10 March 2021, 9:12 am
Lucky Online кинули рекламодателя на 4500 долларов
Хотим предупредить всех рекламодателей о мошеннической схеме, которую использует Lucky Online.
1. При обращении в чат на сайте Lucky Online нам дали свой контакт в телеграмме (@JeyLarsson Рекламодателям), с которым можно обсуждать офферы
2. С контактом (@JeyLarsson Рекламодателям) в телеграмме созвонились, затем в переписке зафиксировали договоренности, подписали Договор с обеих сторон
3. После того, как мы произвели оплату в размере 4500 долларов на крипту, представитель Lucky Online пообещал запуск офферов через неделю, после чего перестал выходить на связь и отвечать на сообщения
4. На сайте Lucky Online был указан еще их другой контакт в телеграмме (@Pablicio89 Рекламодателям). Мы обратились к нему с просьбой выяснить в чем задержка. Он пообещал выяснить, после чего также исчез.
5. После этого на сайте Lucky Online исчезли указанные ранее контакты их сотрудников в телеграмме и появился совсем другой контакт телеграмма.
После обращения в чат на их сайте менеджер ответил, что Договор был подписан не с их сотрудниками и они к этой сделке не имеют никакого отношения.
Вот такой опыт был получен с данной патрнерской программой.
10 March 2021, 11:45 am
Was this the first time you did business with them?
Had you had any previous recommendations from anyone else in the iGaming Industry that gave a positive review of them?
You said you signed an agreement, were there not contact details on the agreement?
11 March 2021, 2:39 am
Dear Rick,
yes, it was the first time we did business with them.
Unfortunately we did not have any recommendations from anyone in the iGaming industry.
We just had got aquanted with their website, searched in google and understood that they are not new on the market.
The agreement template is the one that they had provided, their contact details stated in the agreement are in Russia, so we need to find a lawyer remotely in that country in order to start a lawsuit. It will take some time and financial recourses so all we may do now is to leave a review in the forums in order to prevent other advertisers on the market.
We have all the printscreens with the conversation with them and may provide them if needed.
Thanks for your support!
I forgot to mention that we have all the print screens of the
12 March 2021, 1:28 am
I am sorry you suffered such losses in time and investment.
Overall, filing suit will almost always cost you FA more resources and money then you could ever recover.
Now that you have found the GPWA. read through some years worth of posts and threads and try and find more operators and affiliate programs that have fewer complaints that will work for your targeted markets.
Ask questions if needed and as you become more comfortable in the community, reach out to other members that target the same markets as you do.
Over time you will gain more feedback and recommendations and reduce the impact and be able to better determine the groups to work with and those to avoid.
And by the way, Welcome to the GPWA
15 March 2021, 5:04 am
15 March 2021, 5:32 am
Welcome to the GPWA.
Rick has very good advice that I would personally follow and as he mentioned previously, getting a gambling lawyer will of course be costly and it's probably better to cut your losses and move on. There are plenty of other operators you can promote and are worth your precious time. What happened to you was absolutely lousy and no affiliate should have to suffer such nonsense. I'm also sorry that they stole your money and didn't even so much as have any sort of decency to even be truthful with you instead of telling you lies.
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