In the early days, when the roulette table maximum was introduced, the casino owners said, that it was made to protect the gamblers. The truth: It's a rule to protect the casino!
And the casino affiliate industry?
Terms are not made to protect webmasters. This is as long o.k. as long the webmasters will not outlawed. This industry don't need programs with terms if law will be fatally undermined by them.
I am sorry, but AffiliStars is a role example for undermining civil law and a role example for quota terms, nobody needed in the golden, olden days.
Source: Posted by Anthony
This is only half the truth.
The complete term:
"if no new traffic is sent within the following 30 days, funds remaining in your account will be removed"4. Affiliate Earnings & Payments
[...]15. Where the arrangement is based on revenue share, if no gaming revenue is generated for a continuous period of 90 days, your account will become dormant. We will issue a warning advising that the funds remaining in your account will be removed and, if no new traffic is sent within the following 30 days, funds remaining in your account will be removed and your account closed.
Instead of paying out the revenue share funds remaining in the account, a normal practice amongst serious businessmen, the money will be stolen after 4 unhappy months, where a private crises can be the reason for ... a heavy website problem (e.g. hijacking) or a dispute ... There are 1000 reasons for the webmaster to be unlucky but no decent reason to take his money.
And there is something more for the "Activity Quota"
"achieving new FTDs in any 3 month period where failure to do so will result in a base commission rate of 12.5% of net revenue"4. Affiliate Earnings & Payments
2. On joining this Affiliate Program your account will be set to our default commission of 20% of net revenue, rising to 40% based upon your performance but subject to achieving new FTDs in any 3 month period where failure to do so will result in a base commission rate of 12.5% of net revenue.
FTD = First Time Depositor
"achieving new FTDs"
"FTDs" = Plural!
So under the words of the terms you have to bring at least 2 (!) new depositors in a 3 month period or your earnings will reduced to 12,5%.
If only 1 new depositor is needed, then the person, who have written the terms, is simply incapable, because there is a big difference between singular and plural.
Undermining civil law
"funds remaining in your account will be removed"4. Affiliate Earnings & Payments
16. If funds remain in your account for a continuous period of 90 days with no withdrawals during that time and with no traffic generated during that time, then your account shall be deemed dormant at which point funds remaining in your account will be removed.
"funds remaining in your account will be removed"4. Affiliate Earnings & Payments
17. If funds remain in your account for a continuous period of 180 days with no withdrawals during that time then your account shall be deemed dormant at which point funds remaining in your account will be removed.
Leverage civil law claims of the webmaster, his relatives and surviving dependants with a wave of the hand, beginning after just 3 months, that is really a bitter disappointment and not farsighted.
I feel feeble in reading terms like that. The cake really is big enough for all of us. No quotas are needed or other terms to take away the webmaster's money.
Maybe the problem is, that the programs knows, that 90% (or more) of all people are not reading the terms.
I do, and I will not be silent, because as long as a GPWA seal is connected with the word "ethic", programs have to live with criticism.
A program can exist with a handful of terms ... Copyright, trademark, spam, liability, forbidden content, payment date, payment sheme, cpa rules ... This is it!
Then it's no problem if 90% (or more) are not reading the terms.
Then it's a straight business!
If a program don't earn enough or afraid not earning enough in the future, then they should not invest the efforts in creating critical terms. They should invest it in creativity, in the content.