I think it should be more or less stagnant until something major happens.
Remain more or less the same
I think it should be more or less stagnant until something major happens.
I have hesitated so often to put the word "blockchain" next to "affiliate programs" lol... But it does not pertain to the client side, more on the backend side, but if all stats and customer tagging (so not tracking) would be on blockchain, you could have 99.999999999% confidence in your reports. Tracking can evolve a lot as well, there is lots of room!
I agree, tagging of a customer, is essential. But even all action of customer can and should be somehow put on blockchain. The read-only access to restricted anonymized data would have affiliate; read/write access would have the house.
If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.
Affiliate marketing is alive and kicking for us - we do 6 figures a month and have done for some time.
We have a team of about 10 atm, half of that is made up of our content writers.
Weve had a few offers to sell our network but none have materialised so far.
Maxfalcon (8 January 2020)