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    Default Affiliate Manager Interview Series: Greg Gomez - Wager Junction

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    Age: 36
    Hometown: London at present but born and raised in South Africa of Portuguese heritage, thus the surname.

    What differentiates Wager Junction from other affiliate programs?
    At the present time Wager Junction offers its affiliates two types of casino software that they can promote: A Playtech Casino with poker soon to follow, or Real Time Gaming Casinos. We also have bingo and poker affiliate programs that our members are able to join.

    With Wager Junction, affiliates can market poker, casino games, and bingo. How does affiliate marketing differ for each type of game? What tends to work well (and what doesn’t) for each game?
    I tend to find that the more successful affiliates in each of these markets have the same thing in common: They thoroughly research their niche area and they gain an understanding of what it is that the end user wants to see. They combine good content with good link baiting strategies and make sure that they follow good SEO basics. Combine that with hard work and that is a recipe for success in any of the markets.

    What does not work well and is becoming increasingly irrelevant these days are banner farms. Users are becoming more sophisticated and demanding (as they should be), and with the advent of that much used word ?web2.0 ?the race is on to make sites more interactive.

    If you do not already have a strategy in place for this, start researching now as I believe that involving your players in your site is vital.

    What songs are on your iPod (or mp3 player)?
    Do I have to answer this? I am very eclectic. I have same rave music by Trance, Creedence, Justin Timberlake (yes I like him), Metallica, Carmina Burana, The Doors. A wide range. No hip hop I’m afraid, I’m just a tad to old for that.

    What was your favorite subject in school?
    Biology. It was awesome and if I could I would stil love to do something in Marine Biology.

    What’s your next big purchase (personal)?
    Probably a house near the beach in some hot Mediterranean country.

    What’s the key to building successful relationships between affiliates and affiliate programs?
    There are a number of factors but the main factor is trust. I have been with Wager Junction for five years and we have worked hard to establish and maintain a reputable brand. My own personal integrity as an affiliate manager is something I take very seriously, as your name means everything in this industry. I work for Wager Junction as the owners and I share the same ethos: People will be paid the money they have earned. We have been in the online gaming space from the beginning and intend to remain in it for a long time yet.

    When I do have issues with data and late payments the majority of my partners are very understanding because of the trust factor. The team at Wager Junction works very hard in all areas to maintain that trust as it is earned on a daily basis.

    Educating your partners is also a vital component. It is not enough these days to simply provide banners. We are implementing something that will be released in the long term and I believe that it will make us a more attractive place for partners and will solidify our relationships.

    How did you get started in this business?
    I was looking for something new as I was working for a bank and was totally bored. Sitting on the tube I saw an interesting advertisement in a free newspaper and the next thing I knew I was sitting in a marketing managers office quaking. I got an assistant relationship manager’s position, loved the job and it took off from there.

    What one thing (event, person, or program) has influenced the way you conduct yourself / do business as an affiliate manager?
    I have been very lucky to have a number of influences and with my job I am very lucky to constantly meet very nice, bright, ambitious people. The industry has changed me a lot, and there are players within the industry like Cynthia Carley at VideoPoker Junkie and Bryan Bailey and the Big B himself Brian Du Toit who have imparted words of wisdom and advice over the years. The one thing that I take comfort from is that we are all in this together. The attitude of “us vs. them?is something that I have never agreed with and something I am glad to say that it is rapidly disappearing.

    What's the most amount of money you've ever won at a casino?
    Damn I’m a lousy gambler. At an Online Casino I’ve won $1000 on Video Poker.

    What kinds of marketing tools do you offer to help affiliates?
    The usual banners, but we are developing free games at the present time that will be brandable with the affiliate site logo. I think that will be a cool hook. There are some other plans in the pipeline but don’t want to say too much about that is it is about six months from completion.

    Please describe your ideal day off.
    Spending a day out on the beach, diving or fishing. I also enjoy playing Hold’em with a couple of friends. I’ve got to hone those skill levels as I can see the day where Wager Junction is going to be running affiliate vs. affiliate manager tournaments!

    What are your three keys to success for an affiliate?
    1. Research your market.
    2. Ensure your site is well planned and thought out.
    3. Have great unique content and a good links strategy.

    If you were throwing a dinner party with any five people throughout history, whom would you invite? And why?
    Wow. This has made me stop and think.

    1. Bill Clinton as I think he is such a great man and was good for our planet.
    2. Gandhi. He was such a wonderful human being with a peaceful philosophy.
    3. Julius Caesar. A great strategist. To be in his presence must have been inspiring.
    4. Jacques Cousteau, marine biologist and underwater explorer.
    5. Paris Hilton ? Do I have to say why?
    I have left the industry and earned a law degree at Indiana University Bloomington, Maurer School of Law. Here are ways to stay in touch with me:
    > Facebook:
    > LinkedIn:
    > Skype: StevenCorfman
    > Phone: +1 617 785 9324

    Inquiries intended for an administrator or staff member can be directed to Anthony Telesca through the forum (username Anthony) or to the general contact address manager AT gpwa DOT org.

  2. #2
    allstar is offline GPWA Caretaker Emeritus
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    Great interview! I always heard nothing but good things about Greg.


  3. #3
    joeyl's Avatar
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    Up until now Greg has always flew straight enough for me to say i'd put my trust in him to make good what needs making good.

  4. #4
    Doolally's Avatar
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    I'm a bit disappointed Paris wasn't at the top of the list. I'm also disappointed that you invited 4 other guys to compete for her attentions. You're slipping Greg!

  5. #5
    wagerjunction's Avatar
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    Default Thanks

    Thanks guys for the kind remarks - i do appreciate it

    Dolally - after Paris incarceration and her reformation i would have to now swop her with Lindsay Lohan - but i hear you re the slipping part - its all this work .

    Take care guys and have a wonderful day


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