I personally would like to know how you got one of my email addys so one of your brands can spam the heck out of me 3-4 times a day
I personally would like to know how you got one of my email addys so one of your brands can spam the heck out of me 3-4 times a day
celena (9 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (9 August 2017), Top Online Casinos (9 August 2017)
I assure you I'm not mistaken but more importantly you ignored my question.............how did you get my personal email?
Golden Lion, Bovegas and Eclipse............daily at a minimum. I personally thought you were allowed to spam us with email trying to join your aff program but certainly not spam us with crap from you brands.
-Shay- (9 August 2017), celena (11 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (9 August 2017)
Did you unsubscribe? Have you replied to the e-mails to get an answer? Sent him a PM first?
Why do you need to write it in public first? There is a lot of bad issues with this program already, and i am tired of reading the same over and over again...
Sometimes affiliates are really acting like kindergardens..
I have seen all the complaints, and you're all right - the complaints, withdraw times, payout limit etc. etc. etc.. it looks like a scam, but why not leave them alone? We all already knew something was wrong from the very first beginning, but it just continues.. and its the same over and over again..
I know it sounds funny, but this guy Marc is answering almost every post in this thread.. he must be one of the most active aff managers in here.. use it in a constructive way?
I know aff managers "should" have a very pleasant way to communicate, but why is this rule not applied to the affiliates?
When i have issues with a program, i let my feelings run when i write something.. but in this case? no one who is attacking here are having trouble with them? - So why not take it easy?
I guess no one of all these affiiates who wants to see license, and are linking to the complaints, won't be partners with them otherwise? Other members have already ruined their reputation (including themselves).. so why do we need to read your input if its all the same over and over again?
Why not go to GPWA with all these issues regarding them? - They were the people who was willing to let them in.. Go to them - CALL THEM OUT.. there is a lot of brands i would like to get an explanation on - how the **** some brand can be certifed in here..
Lets stay with the door-metaphor:
All you guys are doing is to yell at him, and shut the door.. open it up again and yell somemore.. and shut the door..
I understand this guy is fustrated, because all you guys have seen is some complaints, and a futher employee who didnt have the best CV.. but do you have some experience with them? i guess no.. so please.. we have heard you.. now let there be silence..
or open the door and yell at me too..
Luke Affalliance (10 August 2017), MMM (9 August 2017)
celena (11 August 2017), DaftDog (11 August 2017), Redbush54 (9 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (9 August 2017), Triple7 (9 August 2017)
Dear Redbush54
Can you please provide us with the printscreens of those mailers you`ve got? We are only sending our marketing emails to our players that have an account with us. I assume that the reason why you are getting those promos is that some other affiliate has your email in his mailing database.
Kind regards,
Do they know each other? How could this guy know?
Did she publish her e-mail address - no.. Is she going to make it public - no..
So i assume this case needs to go privat to be solved.
If my phone company charged me wrong, i call them to get it solved, and do not go on their facebook page and write " why you charged me wrong????". The company have no clue who they are talking to - how could they possible find out?.. and when people is doing that, its just wasting of time from both sides..
Luke Affalliance (10 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (9 August 2017)
Top Online Casinos - I know for many years through domaintools, it's easy to find his information I won't write his name here due to privacy reasons that I don't want to break.
Redbush54 - Never got a direct marketing email from any of the brands we are representing, it could be your email got into some DB of an affiliate but it didnt come from us unless you signed up to any of our brands.
You can easily reply to the email and write unsubscribe or even more than that write me a PM and I will take care of it.
sportnbetting - I appreciate the comment even though there are some stuff against me and also against the affiliate program which are understandable and as i stated here we are willing to work on that and solve any issue and any problem but no one wants to make a difference or see a difference from an affiliate program or affiliate manager.
You have walked the same road for years and are angry and frustrated from Affiliate programs that screw you over, but do not generalize and put us in the same category without any reason because we will do the extra mile not to give you one.
Cash Bonus (9 August 2017), Redbush54 (9 August 2017)
-Shay- (9 August 2017), celena (11 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (9 August 2017)
I happen to find an email......the others have been deleted. The email is from [email protected] which affiliate that is? So please tell me, since the email addy that this was sent too isn't my registered email here, WHERE DID YOU GET MY EMAIL?
Last edited by Redbush54; 9 August 2017 at 5:15 pm. Reason: added stuff
-Shay- (9 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (9 August 2017)
I'm staying neutral here, and taking no one's side.
Yes it appears to be from BoVegas. But, we all know rogue affiliates spoof "from" and "reply to" addresses. Without the headers from this mailer (spam), then we can't be 100% certain if this came from the casino or a rogue affiliate who has aquired your email addy.
Redbush, can you please post the full headers of that email (xxx out your email addy)![]()
Roulette Zeitung (10 August 2017)
I believe this is what your wanting.
X-Apparently-To: [email protected]; Sun, 06 Aug 2017 21:52:48 +0000
X-YMailISG: iXYY2jwWLDu27fT1_V3wyB5i.DoUvdjRjm1q5gG7xMqrIXzv
rN1P.yU6dd6JS5hxgaek5asZ4ggcAPdXCxDJpfptnDQn5AAfhB .00E2nuhpB
V5mYUKzAiRHv4Xw88E8n1InAi.mV7EMFoHeMFfGu8yqcvp2Rnk r64tjtR0tN
qzdcSVPN18JcqtAZMiN_.G4EsKwOo75Fh_x5o2BLyA8BHgmF1X rlW43b8i4k
pYPGilHagSrhyt2GG2wFtCqma4DSyd1fZ7AiJFRPxKNbKxDY70 IM3IH7XKz_
NLL2fCb71.9q_V5HpBMUG5wzv4nWq3TBpboY0v8rciS7EA1HH0 hysn6.EEaQ
hXfqO4oawIeME9U6.bKsQEQ26IRx_ZKR8RMyI6t5V3jYfSSD7T DqufPvFCLq
.71DBG15dv5Qi1rQOtgVw.0qplwEL9BhjTTvrKJHqofM7aaqzW 45Vd0HaGUn
L_nFrRkNfsJ7H6gte0._q7weD3u1n.vAma0eS0VG8y8WRUhk8C xpBA8WdG.6
kXJJh7cA88FteJtBqaA0q.rkBpPInJFfPrNz4uyiHmJWUx6hh2 OdfBq5Vdm5
Gf1giURQ8nFtjQFr0pFlbVBKbbtfkUkqlvnDYZ7orERh_4.tpj MPF6zk4Pu.
n4eV0QZpwr_VbGyMqqqA23LHlYTq7McA8uyvSk_E7lcMhKIQxg PXvO_Rej1B
8tTrvhilfmseeXEfPNagfKjeQYhC8AGdMycJno0aXzbxIsAmSi HRvH0wl_GB
ZoDWi1sIp1jBsWyFjtX3EMtdmGh8e5E5u7ZevY3WrFfX9qeVMm Q_yMjYotvT
YOA95rplZyGH6RXk1H4d.UXNdVrVApwfnqI7ZWFxBADwopjwdT mewKXZg6Mf
CtPC9yiqI8aT9J8gutu1TlxZEKW1Pgvb2O6jh_FWiASm1AiJR1 GunMWZMI9t
_o78dIT_6tTJhVo.KKqthB.Dl3Aa5LkZgr.cSxa5O6prxjX5QQ SsU8T4sb8L
VnPHsoDXCXGIc2YGzsR6x.V7G9wiszUoLJytvmYTMZExZYMK74 .1.eUVTe1k
e783DAE6l.ciCua.5Fro12akclIJ_wlAzyiHffz.xFHx_ge7La OUtc9z.34R
j1Frs2WJ13CT_pLdeBB_RqP3OVM.nZEr6N5Cgeyr2aUGJ3j.4Y 9k0BoAnGzB
vTQrZ_bV.dtqNfJXeaB4b9crD3IjRuS_DspULbNPBiMBUi6K_6 OF3WSW61Ou
XKw6sM3C9EPdxfNbYELsciFHramJIT4keEKuZ7.ex01EctxViL L9wlGLciDO
JYs1qwLyaLWUzICHw4BHC3RXetYoE1_EiyS6zJEdTvHuFK89Oh owBA--
b=RcxdDnkhY2vRUFbzbS1WGiC7aB0PeWitWx9q3hYOVQcywWtd 6nxRGvA9F6udyhS+N
0Go/Sv2ameStzDci0BZUduKB5ZVNY0+edaB0xtqo8oQ0XqL19DfE5f UY6Y7yJd7bLY
Received: (qmail 22275 invoked by uid 0); 6 Aug 2017 21:05:27 -0000
Message-ID: <6E.46.05978.FD487895@momentum1-mta4>
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_----------=_1502053388222460"
To: [email protected]>
Feedback-ID: A1074285:L4753026:M08-04-2017-09-53-00:AWeber
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2017 21:05:27 +0000
Subject: XXXXX You shouldn't wait any longer, start using an offer today!
Last edited by Anthony; 10 August 2017 at 8:37 pm. Reason: server info and emails removed (sender and receiver)
-Shay- (9 August 2017), celena (10 August 2017), Moonlight Cat (10 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (10 August 2017)
Whoever has sent you this spam, it was sent thru Aweber.com (email marketing platform). There's is a unsubscribe link attached, but don't use that (you didn't subscribe in the 1'st place, why should you unsubscribe from a list you didn't subscribe to).
Instead, got to this URL:
https://www.aweber.com/antispam.htm - you'll find their abuse Dept., email there.
Forward Aweber the BoVegas spam, including the email headers. Explain you did not subscribe, nor did you request being added to this mailer list. Further more, your email address is a personal addy, which, you only give to friends and family.
Unlike some email marketing programs, Aweber have a good name, if their client has spammed you, they will close the account.
Problem is though, if you have wound up on a spammer's datatbase, then your going to continue to be spammed.
Because this spam has been sent via Aweber, there is not way to tell if it has orginated from BoVegas et al or if it's a rogue affiliate, sorry.
-Shay- (9 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (10 August 2017)
celena (11 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (10 August 2017)
Please note - Running a whois on bovegas-support.com, reveals a number of indentical matches with bovegas.com
Interestingly, the servers for bovegas.com and associated IP block ranges, points to Costa Rica.
Updated Date: 2016-12-22T10:01:15Z
Creation Date: 2016-12-22T10:00:14Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2017-12-22T10:00:14Z
Registrar: Network Solutions, LLC.
Updated Date: 2016-12-12T11:19:57Z
Creation Date: 2016-02-10T15:33:15Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2018-02-10T15:33:15Z
Registrar: Network Solutions, LLC.
To the best of my knowledge no casino operating out of Costa Rica (ever) has been permitted, or is allowed to use a gaming license from Curacao. Much less any other bona fide Licensing Jurisdiction. And, as well all know (all too well), Costa Rica do NOT issue gaming licenses. Only business licenses, the same as what the local butcher and shoe shop gets.
@Redbush - did you ever promote Aff Active or Aff Power casinos, or play at any of these casinos?
Last edited by Former Member 14; 9 August 2017 at 7:22 pm. Reason: question to Redbush
-Shay- (9 August 2017), celena (10 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (10 August 2017)
-Shay- (9 August 2017), Roulette Zeitung (10 August 2017)
I will message you in PM.
Last edited by Marc.AffAlliance; 10 August 2017 at 8:22 am.
Four separate posts in 10 minutes.
You are in the Anti-Hacker modus.
I knew a representative from a former sponsor here, who wrote as much single posts in a row as possible, because he knew exactly, that in most cases the audience only read the last page of a thread and the majority the last post of that last page. So, if there was any uncomfortable, then he just wrote as many posts within a short time what could be also said in one post to make that things less readable.
I will not say, that you also use this technique. It can just be one more facet of your communication style, but Thank Goodness, I scrolled down your posts and went thread pages back to read, what e.g. Redbush54 has to say, and that is a lot.
-Shay- (10 August 2017)